Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Jonrón = Homerun in Spanish

On September 20th (I think), I went to the Nicaraguan Baseball Championship Game 7 between Leon and Granada. It turns out baseball is by far the most popular sport in Nicaragua. It was the most intense, over-crowed sports event I've ever been to, including a UNC-Duke basketball game. I think admission to this game cost about $1.66. They don't sell "seats." They just sell as many tickets as possible, meaning that it's completely packed. At any given moment, I was usually sharing at least a part of my seat/seating area with 1-2 other people.
I arrived an hour early, and the covered seating section (actually, it was really a standing section) was already full. People were already screaming enthusiastically and completely drowning out the loudspeaker.
One popular activity at the game was to buy these bags of drinkable water, but rather than drink them, rip a little hole in one end and then squeeze it, waving it around above your head. This is actually fairly refreshing and enjoyable. The camera men on the field with expensive equipment didn't appreciate it, but everyone else liked the break from the Nicaraguan heat. If someone doesn't have a water bag, they sometimes just throw whatever drink they do have into someone near by. By the end of it, I had been bathed in water, beer, and one sugary drink was practically poured on my head, but at least it tasted okay.
I was in the section right next to the Granada fan section. The section for Granada was lined with police officers to help keep things orderly. There is a lot of swearing, gesturing, and booing between the different fan sections. Additionally, a lot of people are drinking. After Granada scored a run or two, someone tossed a bottle at a fan, and the next thing we knew, there was an all out bottle battle between the sections. I ducked but was still hit by various liquids swirling out of the bottles. Police were eventually able to calm things down.
Unfortunately, Leon had a less than stellar game and lost 15-0 . Ouch. Some people had waited 5 hours in the stands prior to the game. They were pretty disappointed. Hopefully, next year will be more successful.

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