Friday, March 28, 2008


At about 2:30 in the afternoon while we were at the health center in Sahsa waiting to catch a bus back to Rosita, a patient arrived. At about 8 am, while he was cutting grass, he accidentally sliced open his knee, breaking his patella. Since he lived far off, it took 6 and a half hours for him to come in to Sahsa. He arrived to the center in a pick up truck, but many rural areas are accessible only by foot trail or house. After his wound was cleaned up a little at the health center, an ambulance arrived to take him to a hospital in Puerto Cabeza, the capital city, which is a few hours away.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

I don't think I'll take 911 for granted again. I can't even imagine all that bouncing around for hours on poor roads with a broken patella...