Saturday, February 23, 2008

Signs at the Miami Airport

I felt awkward (big surprise) taking this photo, mostly because I was worried some security guards would come and stop me and confiscate my camera or worse. So I took this without a flash in order to be less conspicuous. As a result, it is a little bit blurry, but not too bad.

So, what is that sign? Further investigation reveals that it is actually the "Duty Free Miami" sign. Turns out the Barack Obama sign has the red and blue switched up.

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Man, that's such a shame too. At least your 2003 BCS suspicion turned out correct! Japan has no trouble voicing its support for Obama in publically-run places. Here's that article about the town of Obama, Fukui Prefecture, Japan.

("Fight" is Japanese-English for "good luck").